The MENtal Muscle-Up Podcast: The Cure For Mental Masturbation
Welcome to the Mental Muscle-Up Podcast, the no-BS show that is the cure for Male Mental Masturbation.
If you're a podcast junkie, self-improvement buff, and fitness fanatic like me, then this podcast is for you.
To quote Derek Sivers, “If more information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”
By focusing on quality over quantity when it comes to the content calories we consume from podcasts like Mind Pump, Modern Wisdom, Wits and Weights, The Tim Ferriss Show, and Huberman Lab, we will use gym principles like Progressive Overload, and Specificity to
- Raise the Bar in Our Relationships
- Muscle-Up Our Mindset and Mental Health
- Power Up Our Sense of Purpose, and
- Build Bodies That Personify Peak Performance
Every episode of the Mental Muscle-Up Podcast inspires you to cure Male Mental Masturbation - which is defined as a term for overthinking or engaging in intellectual pursuits without practical application - as we go from passive consumption to immediate implementation with what we call the PodWod - your Podcast Workout of the Day.
Just like a training program in the gym, each PodWod gives a specific number of sets and reps in the form of questions and actions as we work on achieving the best podcast pump possible.
Since life is the ultimate workout, it’s time to start training for it. So hit subscribe, and stay tuned as we take the best of what works inside the gym and apply it outside the gym to Muscle-Up every area of our lives.
Welcome to the Mental Muscle-Up Podcast.
The MENtal Muscle-Up Podcast: The Cure For Mental Masturbation
Tracking Your Macros: Are You Making This Critical Mistake?
🤔 EP040 - If leveling up the way you look, feel, and perform is something you value and are currently working towards, since all physical change begins with a change in mindset, what are the Mindest Macros you need to track and manage to Muscle-Up your Mindset so you can you look, feel, and perform your best?
“What you feed your mind determines your appetite.” - Tom Ziglar
🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our PHYSICAL Health & Fitness.
FACT - We’ve all heard that you can’t out-train a poor diet. One of the most common ways to ensure we’re fuelling our bodies the right way is through tracking your macros - your carbs, protein, and fat. But what about your mental macros?
If a frictionless environment is imperative for achieving your health and fitness goals, what environment is more important to remove the friction than the one that’s between your ears?
🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.
🗣️ Shout-out to our Head Trainer for today's PodWod, Professor Philip Pape from the Wits & Weights Podcast
👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.
👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!